Daily Archives: August 4, 2014

On The Beach

T Minus 18

A day to tick an item on my UK Bucket List. This is a list of things I have done before but want to do again before I go. Last week it was Alton Towers, this week it is a swim in the Atlantic. It was a great day on the beach – a chance to unwind – and “boy do we need it”.
Great to spend time with family too as we share this holiday with Anita’s parents and sister’s family. It’s good for the cousins to get together before time and distance force a separation.
A week here in Newquay forms part of our “Grand Tour” which will allow us to see most of the family on both sides.
Today’s agenda included beach bowls, swimming, body boarding, sunbathing and relaxing!






Deflated – Not Me

T Minus 18

My current view as I lay in my temporary abode. Not the most comfortable of nights. Unfortunately the air bed has a slow puncture – we thought we had found it, but sadly no; and so the floor was our bed for the night.
Nonetheless it’s a beautiful morning and the sound of birds from the nearby copse is soothing.

After arriving here yesterday it was very much a time to chill and so the afternoon chatting led into an after dinner game of Yahtzee played with a bottle or three of wine (between 5!) and an early night.20140804-085021-31821342.jpg



I did manage to catch up by phone with the outgoing Head of Isamilo Secondary (currently in the UK and who is still carrying on as a teacher there) and it was good to get information about the school and life of an expat. I’m definitely looking forward to working there. It’s difficult to believe it’s less than three weeks now! It’s time to start looking forward!

For now – I am looking forward to breakfast!


Weekly Photo Challenge : Zig Zag at Christmas

A submission to this week’s photo challenge – Zig Zag.

Decorations Zig Zagging across our old Christmas Tree

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