Monthly Archives: September 2016

Beautiful Bougainvillea

The rains are imminent – in fact three storms have come and gone – nothing on the scale that is to come, but a sign things are changing.

Even so the ground remains parched and yellow, dusty and dry – the exception being the Bougainvillea which is in bloom at this time and throughout the dryest time of the year and provides a welcome splash of colour to the garden.


Weekly Photo Challenge: (Crater’s) Edge

A submission to the latest Weekly Photo Challenge :Edge

Taken on our trip to Ngorogoro Crater in October 2014.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Edge (of Paradise)

Taken from our trip to Zanzibar in December 2014. Photos from the edge of paradise.

Weekly Photo Challenge: Edge (of Glass)

Why is glass green when viewed edge on? I wondered this today as I looked at the glass slats on the windows of our Tanzanian home. 

Google is a great resource for such trivia. It seems the colour is a result of iron impurities which impart a slight green tinge to most glass – the colour is amplified at the edge as you peer through a much thicker layer through  it’s length.

Apparently the iron is a legacy of the manufacturing process as it lubricates the passage of molten glass across  the smooth surface of molten tin during the formation of glass sheets. The only way to ensure flat glass!

So here is a submission to this week’s photo challenge edge.

WeeklyPhoto Challenge: (Water’s) Edge

A submission to this week’s photo challenge taken at the water’s 
edge at Whisby Nature Reserve in the UK this summer. The sharp plants standing out against the blurred water.

Istanbul from the Air

Our departure from Istanbul gave us from great sunset views of the city below and the Bosphorus.



Weekly Photo Challenge : (Parabolic) Mirror

Wandering through the streets of Nottingham (England), this summer, we came across this parabolic mirror sculpture.