Another Week Down!

T Minus 77
The weeks are flying by at a pace and with 11 weeks to go it’s beginning to feel like we’re never going to get it all done. Though remembering back to one of Anita’s early posts – you eat an elephant one bite at a time.

This afternoon I have continued my office clearance with a lot of paperwork going to the shredder. I have managed half of the shelves this week.20140606-143641-52601045.jpg
The files now empty need to be transferred into storage.

At home things are slowly progressing – we need to squeeze in another car boot sale and to get other larger items sold – it needs to be an element of leaving enough time to sell and still making use of e.g the dining table. We can probably dispense of winter clothes now but just need to do it. In the end every thing has to fit in 8 cases!


One response to “Another Week Down!

  1. Ah. I bet it feels good to get rid of all that stuff!!


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