Daily Archives: April 3, 2014

The life of a wag!

An interesting look at the Street Children from Mwanza competing in Rio at the Street Children’s World Cup.

Bousies In Mwanza

So my husband jets half way around the world to manage his team in an international football competition in Rio and I’m left back in Mwanza! Oh well the life of a wag!!!

In all seriousness Rob is not exactly having the holiday that it seems, he started his journey last Tuesday 25th March at 3.40am! He left me at this early hour to collect the 10 boys (plus 3 support staff) to catch their first mode of transport (a daladala -a local minibus) and then catch their coach that would take them to Dar Es Salaam. So I waved goodbye and rolled over to sleep again only to be woken up 15mins later to discover he had left 3 football boots at our house (I still can’t work out why there were 3!!) so he popped back in at 4.20 to collect them and then they caught their coach…

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Spring Garden

T minus 141

Out garden is probably at its best in Spring. I will miss it. The Ceanothus and Wisteria blue combination is sill to come but for now it’s the red of the flowering currant and the yellow of the Forsythia and Keria Japonica which dominate.










Replacing the “Teaching Me”

T Minus 141

Today will be a strange day. It’s not often you get to interview and help decide who your replacement will be. Continue reading