Daily Archives: June 28, 2015

Papa’s Return

Papa’s is a restaurant, about an hour north east  of Mwanza. Run by expats it is part of an NGO which supports an orphanage (JBFC) and runs a school. There is also a farm from which much of the food at the restaurant is sourced. The restaurant itself is situated on the lake and idyllic. We visited once before with a colleague back in October. Now that we have a car, places like this are accessible and it was nice to take our first drive beyond the confines of Mwanza. We came to have a celebration meal for our son following his 17th birthday last week. The weather was gorgeous. Here are some pics of the location.

It’s A Fine Day

One of the best things about living here is that most of the time you wake up to a fine sunny morning. Not 100% of the time to be true, but outside of December and April (the rains) it has been the case most of the year. What is more the weather, rains or not, tends to be hot in the day.

Today we are off to Papas a restaurant on the lake about an hour North of Mwanza. We’ve been once before, back in October in our pre-car days. Then we had to rely on lifts, now we have wheels. This is a delayed birthday treat for my 17 yr old – but I digress!

I found myself earlier this week thinking “what if the weather isn’t good?” a legacy of my British upbringing.  I quickly corrected myself! As a NGO, who is returning soon to live in Canada,  stated yesterday  – it’s going to be strange having to check the weather forecast every morning to see what to wear. 

Here it is usually dry and sunny,  occasionslly (but predictably) wet, always warm. So today It’s a Fine Day.