Daily Archives: March 23, 2015

The Long Awaited Long Rains

It’s still green here amongst the dust – the occasional shower has helped in that respect, but day by day it remains hot and no significant rain has fallen in  three months – save for one downpour. Every shower is eagerly anticipated, but it is short-lived and turns the hot air humid. 

As the weeks pass, the ground gets ever dustier, the grass ever more parched, the trees and bushes droop ever more lowly to the ground.


I am a self-confessed lover of heat and dislike rain, yet I find myself craving that which I dislike. It would be nice to have some significant rain to cool the air, to dampen the dust and revive the plants. Even though it would herald the Long Rains (which get shorter with every passing day) it would be welcome. 

There may be signs it’s on it’s way as temperatures have dropped back to a mere 27°C from the mid-30s  (one report records 38°C) of last week. The next week is reportedly more showery and cooler. With even these temperatures beating anything a good summers day in the UK could produce we.’re not talking cold snap here just mild relief and a little less sweat. 

For now we await the Long Rains – I’m sure I’ll soon be complaining – we Brits are never satisfied with the weather for long!