Tag Archives: cape robin chat

Saturday Morning Ritual


Most Saturday mornings I like to sit out on the Verandah and watch the garden. The weather is always warm – usually sunny and the bird life is amazing. Everyone else is asleep so it’s my time away from the hustle and bustle of weekly life. It’s become a routine and a great way to start the day. A cafetière of fresh ground coffee or hibiscus tea have become the drinks of choice. The camera is there just in case I see something. I have tried to capture the garden visitors along the way from Cape Robin Chat to Sunbirds to African Paradise Fly-catcher and everything in between.

Cape Robin Chat

Cape Robin Chat



African Paradise Flycatcher

African Paradise Flycatcher

Sometimes I have the laptop and use the time to catch up with news both personal and international.It’s a great start to the weekend!



However you start your Saturday have a great day!

Mega Magpies

We have familiar birds here like sparrows.


Unusual birds (unlike anything in the UK) such as the Cape Robin Chat.


Then there are those familiar yet unfamiliar birds like the Pied Crow.


This bird looks like an enormous magpie at first glance. We have them around the school and they root through the rubbish seeking out morsels.

Thus far it is bird species more than any other group which have predominated in our sightings of wildlife. A birds page will be populated soon (if not already) on this blog.