Tag Archives: past

12 Months Ago Today: Interview

It’s hard to believe that exactly 12 months ago I was preparing for an interview for a job at Isamilo School in Mwanza. Having filled in an application form on the Monday I scheduled a Skype interview for 2pm GMT (5pm Local). I was very nervous at the time but warmed to my interviewers and went with the flow. The scary thing was keeping it secret from everyone else (other than my Network Technician who helped with the setup and the cover co-ordinator who needed to keep me off cover. I arranged to be in the Lower School team room well away from the rest of my team at upper school or in Maths. The best laid plans were scuppered by an unscheduled interruption but thankfully the interview was not unduly disturbed but I imagine my colleague wondered what on earth was happening. After 40 mins in which our Skype call held up without interruption I was told that I would be informed after the weekend. In truth I had to wait less than a day, of which tomorrow.
In those pre-blog days some the events are summarised in my earliest posting – Wow!


My old school in the UK

Even now looking back a year there is still a sense of Wow!

Photographic Memories

T Minus 78

Over the last few weeks Anita has been scanning photos from the numerous scrapbooks and photo albums in our possession. There is no way we could even contemplate taking these physically and so they are being stored digitally to preserve their memory. Whilst abroad we will be storing the physical items.
Having now completed most of albums out attentions are now turning to those photographs which have never gone into albums. These are pictures long forgotten from those isolated day trips or events which for whatever reason never made it into an album. For speed I have photographed some of the photos but will replace this photo with the actual scans in time.20140605-174000-63600042.jpg

They an eclectic bunch from earlier years. This who knew me at the time I was at University or a Youth Leader at SMB or in One Way Drama Team or from some of the Holiday Clubs I did may see yourselves, as will family!

These photos are from a forgotten past – some haven’t seen the light of day in 20 years or so. Some are getting a little curled and will need digitising soon, de of the darker ones (night shots and dark rooms) have faded to opaque. Thankfully many survive in tact and an insight in to a pre-digital lost world. Here are some of these ‘blown up’ – scanning later!











